NOTE --- I don't feel well (just a headache) but didn't want to skip posting. So tonight I'm telling you about when I built my gaming PC. I originally posted this February 18th, 2015 when I finished building him. I thought I'd share this now, because I might be upgrading and/or building a new PC soon. Hope you enjoy this little blast into the the past.
Feb 18, 2015
A few months back (November-ish, I think it was) I started kicking around the idea of building my own PC. What was once just a brief thought, turned into an obsession, and now, a reality!! I officially have a Gaming PC and he is GLORIOUS!!
A few days ago, I started out with a bunch of parts. Not pictured below (because I didn't think to take a photo before I put it together) is the HDD, memory and LED light strip.
With some time and not much effort (it really was pretty easy, seeing into the thing was the hardest part) I now have a beautiful Black/Red gaming PC. Come meet ~
Widget is named after the character in"The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern
Front & Side ~
Inside prior to GPU, lights & cable management
Inside with everything done!
I can't believe it's here and it's finally done and it's working like a DREAM!! The first night, I tried to play some Dead Rising 3 on just the integrated graphics card and it said NOPE!! It tried, but boy was it bad. I was able to play some Portal 2 though, so that was good. Then I got my Graphics Card in the next day and Dead Rising was AMAZING. It was crazy to see the difference from just the day before.
I love my gaming PC. Now, I think it's time for me to go kill some more zombies! :)
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A Bijou Beginning on Wattpad - FREE short story
A Bijou Beginning on Goodreads
A Discovery of BDSM on Amazon
A Discovery of BDSM on Goodreads

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