About Me

I am an aspiring author, and it still amazes me to write that.

I've written off and on my entire life - in high school it was a lot of angst poems, but most of my life was spent writing to penpals. I've been writing pals off and on since I was a pre-teen and I still write pals now. So I've always written but haven't written creatively.

I'd often said I'd like to. I'm a voracious reader and have always marveled at authors and their imaginations and I always said I don't have the imagination to do that. I still believe that, and yet, here we are.

This journey started because of a penpal. We both wanted to write creatively more, so we sent each other writing prompts. One of hers to me, got me going on this path as it really spoke to me. What was supposed to be a short (few hundred words) story back to her ended up being over 5k words and was the base of the first five chapters of what would become Natural Exposure.

I'll share more about that later.

As for non-writing me - I'm a reader and a gamer. I read several hundred books a year and I love video games. I built my own gaming PC several years ago and we also have a PS3, PS4 and Xbox360.

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