Saturday, May 23, 2020

Behind the Writer #3: Covers

Let's talk covers.

I know, I'm only talking to myself here - so I'll talk about covers, but I'd love for anyone to chime in.

Do you do your own covers? Hire someone? Use Kindle's god-awful ones?

I can't see how anyone can do those ones at KDP. Why do you use them if you do? Just cuz it's free? I don't know that I could read a book with a cover like that. Not supposed to judge a book by its cover and all, but we totally do. and those covers are eyesores.

While I'm not as good as I'd like to be with covers - I've made both of mine and I plan on making all of them. I LOOOOVE Photoshop, and I can tinker on it for hours, even though I'm not an expert by any means.

My covers are / will be unique. While I get the whole "certain genres should look certain ways" I've never been one to follow the crowd. My covers don't look like an erotic romance cover and I'm good with that. What my cover (of my novel) DOES do is reflect the story. I imagine people see the cover - and they're like 'whatever' about it. But then if they read it, there's a point where they go 'huh' and flip back to the cover and see it in a new light. That's what I like about my covers and while I'll continue to buck the trend.

My cover for Book 2 isn't complete yet, but I think I know what I'll be using for photos and like Natural Exposure - the book reflects the cover.

Stay tuned and perhaps I'll give you a sneak peak of my Book 2 cover as I start putting it together. :)

My Books
Natural Exposure on Amazon
Natural Exposure on Smashwords - on $$SALE$$ for $2.40
Natural Exposure on Goodreads

A Bijou Beginning on Wattpad - FREE short story
A Bijou Beginning on Goodreads

A Discovery of BDSM on Amazon
A Discovery of BDSM on Goodreads

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