Saturday, August 10, 2019

I LOVE my Rocketbook - if you don't have one, you should!

I am SO very much in love with my Rocketbook Everlast!

So what is a Rocketbook? So glad you asked.

Are you a writer? Do you have hundreds of journals sitting around your house with thousands of ideas? Do they take up space and get shoved into the attic and forgotten about?

A Rocketbook makes ALL those journals obsolete. At it's core, a Rocketbook is a nearly Endlessly Reusable Digital Notebook.

"Impossible, you say? Well stop saying stuff." - Sam Puckett from iCarly.

The Rocketbook team has several types of notebooks now, but I can only speak (so far) of the Everlast. The Everlast looks like a very thin notebook, with a plastic cover and just 16 individual pages. It looks like it's nothing special, but it is.

The pages don't quite feel like paper, though they do feel paper-ish. They have a coating that when using a certain brand of pen, you can write on the page, then erase it, and write on the same page again.

In addition to being able to wipe the page clean (like a dry erase board), the page also has a Q-code on it. Once you write on the page, you can take a photo of it, and it get sets directly to the cloud service of your choice or email of your choice.

I wanted a Rocketbook, even before I started writing my WiP novel. Now, with my book, the Rocketbook has been great. So say I have an idea about one of my MCs and her background. I jotted down notes on a page in my RB, let it upload automatically to my cloud drive, and then I wiped the page clean. Now, I still have that note online, instead of in a journal I have to go hunting for or a page I might lose or throw away. I can still print out the page as well, if I prefer, the file formats are jpeg and pdf - your choice.

Excuse my HORRIBLE handwriting, and see the example of this page. I wrote this page out in my RB, uploaded it to my cloud and now it's no longer in the RB, that page long re-used.

My Rocketbook has saved me so much time. No longer do I look for certain pages or journals or have to figure out where I put something. Like my Kindle Fire, my Rocketbook is always next to me now, I even take it to bed with me to sit on my nightstand. I've had plenty of night time ideas or morning ones, that have gone straight into the RB.

In addition to the Everlast - they also have the Wave. With the Everlast, you wipe the pages clean with a moist towel. With the Wave, you actually put it into the microwave to erase it!! I prefer the Everlast, as I have had plenty of pages that I have kept, while I have erased others. With the Wave, you have to erase it all. There's also a new line, that has different templates. My Everlast just had a dot grid. The new line - Fusion - has lines and dots and calendar pages and planning pages - a bunch of cool stuff. I want one... but as the notebooks are so reusable, I haven't yet convinced my Hubby of my need. Its re-usability is the reason I can't get another yet. :)

Here's the official Everlast video from Rocketbook. If you'd like to get one for yourself, feel free to CLICK HERE or on the link the the upper right of my blog. I love RB so much, I became an affiliate and get 10% if you purchase yours through me. Even if you don't want to get it through me, I recommend them to everyone - they are so good. I love them!

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