Thursday, January 9, 2020

Bout of Books 27 - Day 3

Challenge - I LOVE recommending books. It's one of my favorite things to do. Don't come to me if you just want a book or two, I'll recommend 50 books before I recommend less than 5. When I was active on Reddit I often posted on the Book Recommendations subreddits. I hardly take/ask for recommendations though, as I'm pretty picky on what I read and I tend to find plenty of books on my own to read. I read a variety - from Middle Grade (even though I'm in my 40s) to Sci-Fi to Erotica to Mystery to Fantasy. There's not much I don't read. I basically don't read Chick-lit, religious shit and sob fests. Anything else, if it sounds good, I'll read it. Need some recommendations? Leave me a comment and I'll hit ya back!

Day 3 of Bout of Books was another day of reading mixed with editing. I finished my big edits of my book. Woooooo!! The book changed a lot from what I had originally as both I have learned and grown as a writer, and with some recommendations to expand the beginning. Previously, the book was around 80k and now it's at 91k, or around 260 pages. Too bad I can't count my own work for Bout of Books. Today, I'll start listening to it with text-to-speech for more edits. After that, back to beta readers. Anyone interested? (It's an erotic romance with themes of older MCs, polyamory, BDSM & LGBTQ+, click the link for more info.) What to know about my book - Natural Exposure? See more info about that here.

If you posted a blog - feel free to link me. I know most people use Twitter or Instagram, but I really dislike both. I'm too long-winded for either, so I'll likely always stick to one or both of my blogs. If my long windedness or my update style seems familiar, that's because this blog is new (it's for my pen name for my books). I've been participating in read-a-thons for years on my review blog -

Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious Kooky Jannock Book Blog

- and have been otherwise known as Karsyn @ KaKiJoKoJa.


Night Time Audio listening time/pages: 20 min / 20 pages
Day Time Audio listening time/pages: 4 hrs 40 min / 374 pages
Kindle reading time / pages: -----
Number of books I've read today: 4
Total number of books I've read: 16
Current Book: Alone
Pages Read Today: 394
Total Pages Read: 1,186
Time Read Today: 5 hrs
Total Time Read: 17 hrs 10 min
Today's Completed Books:


  1. How was Come Tumbling Down? Hoping to get it from the library soon!

    1. I enjoyed it. I like the series pretty well, not my favorite but good. Some familiar faces returned, and it was a goo story. Hope you like it when you get to read it.
