Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bout of Books 27 - Day 1

I joined Twitter (even though I dislike it) for promo for my book - when I get them out. So, I posted the in 6 words prompt, but here it is again:
Naughty little reader, gamer and writer!

Day 1 was all about short stories. I like to spread short stories out between longer books but yesterday they kept my attention, so I kept with them. One set was the first few books in the Nameless series by Dean Koontz, and the other were the short stories in the Joe Ledger series by Jonathan Maberry which I'm really enjoying. I always like when long series give you smaller glimpses into the world.

In all, I finished 9 short stories (the shortest around 30 pages, the longest 154 pages - one not listed below due to it being combined into a larger book, but I had the shorter individual one no longer listed) and read for 8.5 hours. A good start to Bout of Books. I don't know that I'll read as much on Day 2. I want to finish up my current edits of my book - Natural Exposure (see more info about that here) but we'll see.

If you posted a blog - feel free to link me. I know most people use Twitter or Instagram, but I really dislike both. I'm too long-winded for either, so I'll likely always stick to one or both of my blogs. If my long windedness or my update style seems familiar, that's because this blog is new (it's for my pen name for my books). I've been participating in read-a-thons for years on my review blog -

Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious Kooky Jannock Book Blog

- and have been otherwise known as Karsyn @ KaKiJoKoJa.


Night Time Audio listening time/pages: -----
Day Time Audio listening time/pages: 7 hrs 30 min / 434 pages
Kindle reading time / pages: -----
Number of books I've read today: 9
Total number of books I've read: 9
Current Book: The Praying Mantis Bride
Pages Read Today: 434
Total Pages Read: 434
Time Read Today: 7 hrs 30 min
Total Time Read: 7 hrs 30 min
Today's Completed Books:

1 comment:

  1. Happy BoB! What a great start! I've read a couple of the Benny Imura books by Jonathan Maberry but nothing else. I hope to read more.
