Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Doing Dewey's!

That time of the year again! Once again, too quick that it comes around. How is it almost November?
You know - I left that same line above that I wrote in April, only changed the month. How is it the year goes too fast?!

I believe this is my 14th Dewey's, I think. I really need to find out which I'm on. It's been a lot.

I went all 24 hours every time, which I loved, until April. Then, I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo, and I wanted to write rather than read so I made sure to sleep. I don't care for the Reverse Dewey's (has me awake more like 36 hours rather than 24) so I slept some then too.

Planning to do the full 24 hours this time, but don't know if I will or not. We'll see. :) Not going to push it.

I used to post on my Book Review blog -
Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious Jannock Kooky Book Blog
- please ignore the ugly broken images, my image host stopped allowing 3rd party hosting, stupid thing, but now I'm here as I build up this blog.

As usual, I have no plans for Dewey's, as I'm a diehard Flybyer. (I'm also a pantser when it comes to writing, so I just don't do plans!) I have some books on my radar, but dunno if I'll get to them or not. A few that are likely are:

Koriana Brackson

If this is your first time here, welcome. This blog is for my pen name. I'm working on building up a following for the books that I am writing. Feel free to click on the links to the right to see more about that.

I'm an aspiring author. I only just started writing this year, but it's been a great and crazy experience. It all started back in March and I can't believe I have one book written (am editing now for some re-writes of the beginning I did) a second book 80% completed and plans to write the third book for NaNoWriMo - which starts Nov 1st.

For anyone interested, here's a bit about what I've been writing, along with a working summary of the first book.

**NOTE - The book, and its sequels, are EROTIC ROMANCE, so if that's not your thing, or you are under the age of 18, then this book(s) will not be for you. The info and the blurb about it are PG rated tho. :)

My first book - written but not published - is titled Natural Exposure.

The novel features the following:

  • Graphic Sex
  • Foul Language
  • Polyamory
  • FF sex
  • MF sex
  • BDSM (SSC practiced)
  • LGBTQ+ Characters (a whole town full)
  • Main Characters in their 40s / secondary characters ranging 35 - 60

This book also features people who talk to each other (the horror - I know) and work out their problems, rather than running away, not talking and oh the angst, because they couldn't open their mouths. There is ZERO angst!

Yes, that's a pet peeve of mine, and I know it's in 99% of the books out there, but it is not and will never be in my books.

I've re-written the beginning to achieve better pacing and will be looking for Beta Readers for the updated version. I'll likely wait until after NaNoWriMo because a lot of Beta Readers are NaNo participants, but if you're not and you'd like to read it then, click above to send me an email, leave a comment or connect with me on Twitter, also listed above. So far, my Beta Readers have been great and have loved the story. :)

Working Blurb: (subject to change)
Seeking to escape her past and establish a new life for herself, Ripley Owens lands in Bijou Basin. In the quaint progressive town, Ripley endeavors to find solace, eager to discover herself once more. An advertisement for a boudoir photographer catches her eye, and she books a session, hoping to reclaim her identity.

When a shy goddess enters her studio, Kenzie Holliday is instantly intrigued. After an evening of photos turns flirty and sexual, Kenzie finds herself reluctant to let the beauty go. She asks to see Ripley again, surprised and delighted when she agrees.

Ripley likes Kenzie but doubts plague her. Kenzie is polyamorous and married, something Ripley has never experienced. New possibilities open up before her, both intriguing and scaring her. Does she want to date someone so complicated? How could she ever matter, if the person she dates already has their soulmate?

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