Friday, February 28, 2020

Countdown to publishing: Did I finally write my blurb?

I've been writing these Countdown to publishing posts a few days now if you wanna click on the ----> right to view the others.

OMG did I finally write my blurb?

So I've had a cold the past week or so. Hasn't been awful, but I've been stuffy or sneezy for near a week now. I've still been edited and stuff but have been groggy or not felt 100%. Yesterday I decided to sleep in and I never felt awake most of the day - I couldn't wake up.

Today, I slept in again, but woke up feeling refreshed and came out to the living room, sat and wrote a blurb. A pretty kickass blurb, if I do say so myself. Its a LITTLE longer than the "suggested" length, but no where near some I've seen so I think I can get away with it. It's 169 words - which was NOT done on purpose, so I think the 69 is a sign, since it is an Erotic Romance. :D

Gonna let it sit the day and see what I think later, but I think I might have it. Finally. Wooooo. Now to see how it looks on the back cover...